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Spokane Bird Dog Association

Membership Benefits and Privileges

  • Fellowship of like-minded hunters and dog handlers who will enhance your ability to train and hunt with your dogs
  • The opportunity to train consistently through activities with the club and its members
  • Access to Club equipment during club training days
  • Exposure to hunters and dog handlers in the field
  • Access to approximately 308 acres year round training grounds
  • The opportunity to participate in club annual events
  • Access to the members only section of our website
Family Membership - $50.00 (USD) Bundle (unlimited) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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Please enter your primary email address. This will serve as your login id and will also be the email address we use when sending news/announcements from the club.

Spokane Bird Dog Association - P.O. Box 16, Spokane, WA 99210

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