Professional trainer Dan Hoke will be showing us how he brings a pointing dog along from the puppy stage all the way through being a fully steady dog you can be proud of. Any age dog is welcome.
This will be a "training the trainers" type of event, and a different format from the typical 1/2 day or Wednesday afternoon training session. Bring one dog and be ready to learn from a pro which techniques he uses, when he uses them, and how he sets the stage for the dog to learn through a building block approach. We will also be talking about common issues and their solutions- managing range, into to gun fire and E-collar, creeping, etc.
We are limiting the number of participants to 20.
Starts at 8am, ends around 4pm. Lunch will be provided by the club.
Cost is $100 per person for SBDA members, and $120 for non-members. E-mail me to sign up at or 509-850-1839.
Spokane Bird Dog Association - P.O. Box 16, Spokane, WA 99210